On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 06:58:47PM +0100, Giulio Ferro wrote:
> I'm trying to setup a kerberized NFS system made of a server and a
> client (both freebsd 9 amd64 stable)
> I've tried to follow this howto:
> http://code.google.com/p/macnfsv4/wiki/FreeBSD8KerberizedNFSSetup
> But couldn't get much out of it.
> First question : is this howto still valid or something more recent
> should be followed? I've searched with Google but I've come up empty.
> I've set up kerberos heimdal, created the dns entries for both
> client and server, set up krb5.keytab and copied it to client, set
> up nfs4 according to man nfsv4:
> (server)
> cat /etc/exports
> V4: /usr/src -sec=krb5:krb5i:krb5p
> and then tried to mount it from the client:
> mount_nfs -o ntfsv4,sec=krb5i,gssname=nfs 
> nfsinternal1.dcssrl.it:/usr/src /usr/src
> but it failed with :
> [tcp] nfsinternal1.dcssrl.it:/usr/src: Permission denied
> Can you point me to something that I might have got wrong?

Not really related to Kerberos question, but.. Some problems here:
  - ntfsv4 - probably a typo
  - more serious one - V4: line specifies the ROOT of NFSv4 exported FS
    - nfsinternal1.dcssrl.it:/usr/src points to /usr/src/usr/src.

What you /etc/exports could look like (the way it works for me, doesn't
mean that it's correct though):

/usr/src <options> <v3hosts>
V4: / -sec=krb5:krb5i:krb5p <v4hosts>


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