On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 5:02 PM, C. P. Ghost <cpgh...@cordula.ws> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to boot 9.0-RELEASE on sparc64, but I'm
> getting stuck at:
> panic: kmem_suballoc: bad status return of 3
> cpuid = 0
> KDB: stack backtrace:
>  #0 0xc079841c at ??+0
>  #1 0xc04ca59c at ??+0
>  #2 0xc0487f90 at ??+0
>  #3 0xc0098028 at ??+0
> I'm not able to break into the kernel debugger from
> there.
> This is a SunBlade 1500 with 2GB of RAM, booting
> from cdrom.

Just a little follow-up:

If I set hw.physmem=1048576000 in the loader, 9.0 finally

What's going on? Are there some memory holes above 1G
that 9.0 can't deal with (but 8.2 can)?


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