
Is a panic **really** appropriate for a filesystem that isn't even in

panic: ufs_dirbad: /mnt: bad dir ino 3229 at offset 0: mangled entry

Which happened to be an file-backed md volume that got changed as I forgot
to unmount it beforehand, however as a result there is now inconsistencies
and probably data corruption or even missing data on other important
filesystems (ie; /, /var etc) because there wasn't even a sync or any kind
of other sensible behaviour.

This is on a production box, which also has gmirror so I now have no idea
what state it's going to be in when I can get a display attached.

Surely the appropriate response here for non-critical filesystems is to
warn and suggest manually inspecting it as turning a working production box
into one thats dead in the water seems a little extreme.

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