On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:31:45AM +0100, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 04:52:50PM -0800, Steve Kargl wrote:
> > 
> > I have placed several files at
> > 
> > http://troutmask.apl.washington.edu/~kargl/freebsd
> > 
> > dmesg.txt      --> dmesg for ULE kernel
> > summary        --> A summary that includes top(1) output of all runs.
> > sysctl.ule.txt --> sysctl -a for the ULE kernel
> > ktr-ule-problem-kargl.out.gz 

I've replaced the original version of the ktr file with
a new version.  The old version was corrupt due to my
failure to set 'sysctl debug.ktr.mask=0' prior to the

> One explanation for taking 1.5-2x times is that with ULE the
> threads are not migrated properly, so you end up with idle cores
> and ready threads not running (the other possible explanation
> would be that there are migrations, but they are so frequent and
> expensive that they completely trash the caches. But this seems
> unlikely for this type of task).

I've used schedgraph to look at the ktrdump output.  A jpg is
available at http://troutmask.apl.washington.edu/~kargl/freebsd/ktr.jpg
This shows the ping-pong effect where here 3 processes appear to be
using 2 cpus while the remaining 2 processes are pinned to their

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