On 12/16/2011 14:16, Michel Talon wrote:

> Of course, you are perfectly right., and i had misunderstood Adrian's
> post.

Happens to the best of us. :)

> But if the problem is only to change scheduler by rebooting, i think
> it is no more expensive to compile a kernel with the other scheduler.
> Or is it that people never compile kernels nowadays?

That's part of it. For my money the other 2 big problems are first that
we'd like to make it as easy on the 'make release' and installer
processes as possible. I imagine (although I would not object to being
proven wrong) that 1 kernel with knobs is easier to manage and less
resource intensive than 2 kernels that differ only by this 1 feature.

The other big problem is freebsd-update. While I assume that logic could
be built into the system to handle this issue, if the guts can be built
into the kernel itself why not do that instead?

Of lesser, but not insignificant consideration is the possibility that
at some point we'll have more than 2 scheduler options.




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