2011/12/13 Daniel Kalchev <dan...@digsys.bg>:
> On 13.12.11 09:36, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>> I personally would find it interesting if someone with a higher-end system
>> (e.g. 2 physical CPUs, with 6 or 8 cores per CPU) was to do the same test
>> (changing -jX to -j{numofcores} of course).
> Is 4 way 8 core Opteron ok? That is 32 cores, 64GB RAM.
> Testing with buildworld in my opinion is not adequate, as it involves way
> too much I/O. Any advice on proper testing methodology?

I'm sure that I/O and pmap subsystem contention (because of
buildworld) and TLB shootdown overhead (because of 32 CPUs) will be so
overwhelming that you are not really going to benchmark the scheduler
activity at all.

However I still don't get what you want to verify exactly?


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