Bakul Shah wrote, On 6.10.2011 8:40:
> On Wed, 05 Oct 2011 23:06:04 +0200 =?UTF-8?B?VsOhY2xhdiBaZW1hbg==?= 
> <>  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> No matter what I try, valgrind on 7.3-STABLE is giving me this, both Valgrind
>> ports:
>> valgrind: Startup or configuration error:
>>    Can't establish current working directory at startup
>> valgrind: Unable to start up properly.  Giving up.
>> What do I need to do to make it work?
> Try running valgrind under ktrace (& view with kdump). That
> will tell you what directory it is trying to access or what
> syscall fails and why.

So I have done that and more. I have first updated from 7.3 to 8.2 (RELENG_8
actually). I have not managed to recompile all of the installed Ports yet,
but I made sure to recompile valgrind and its dependencies. The same thing
has happened!

As I have said, I have done the ktrace and here is the interesting bit:

 78028 valgrind NAMI  "/usr/local/lib/valgrind/memcheck-amd64-freebsd"
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   execve 0
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  getpid
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   getpid 78028/0x130cc
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free SCTL  "kern.proc.vmmap.78028"
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   __sysctl 0
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   mmap 17179906048/0x400009000
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  getrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA,0x39e6a780)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   getrlimit 0
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA,0x39a919e0)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   setrlimit 0
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK,0x39e6a790)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   getrlimit 0
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  __getcwd(0x3882d700,0x3ff)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free NAMI  ".."
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   __getcwd -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  write(0x2,0x3830b060,0x6c)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free GIO   fd 2 wrote 108 bytes
       "valgrind: Startup or configuration error:
        valgrind:    Can't establish current working directory at startup
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   write 108/0x6c
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  write(0x2,0x3830b060,0x33)
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free GIO   fd 2 wrote 51 bytes
       "valgrind: Unable to start up properly.  Giving up.
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free RET   write 51/0x33
 78028 memcheck-amd64-free CALL  exit(0x1)

Now what? Why would the __getcwd call be failing with "No such file or


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