In preparation for 9.0 the ports tree will be in feature freeze
after release candidate 1 (RC2)is released, currently planned for
October 17.

If you have any commits with high impact planned, get them in the tree
before then and if they require an experimental build, have a request
for one in portmgr hands within the next few days.

Note that this again will be a feature freeze and not a full freeze.
Normal upgrade, new ports, and changes that only affect other branches
will be allowed without prior approval but with the extra
Feature safe: yes tag in the commit message.  Any commit that is sweeping,
i.e. touches a large number of ports, infrastructural changes, commts to
ports with unusually high number of dependencies, and any other commit
that requires the rebuilding of many packages will not be allowed
without prior explicit approval from portmgr after that date.


Erwin Lansing                         
Prediction is very difficult
especially about the future          
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