18.09.2011 03:05, YongHyeon PYUN пишет:

>>> I have back-ported re(4)/rl(4) for latest 6.x.
>>> http://people.freebsd.org/~yongari/re/6.x/README.txt
>>> Just compile tested and not sure whether it fixes the issue.
>> I confirm that the problem disappears using this driver with clean RELENG_6 
>> sources
>> and RealTek 8169/8169S/8169SB(L)/8110S/8110SB(L) Gigabit Ethernet:
>> re0@pci1:11:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x816910ec chip=0x816910ec rev=0x10 
>> hdr=0x00
>>     vendor     = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
>>     device     = 'RTL8110SB Single-Chip Gigabit LOM Ethernet Controller'
>>     class      = network
>>     subclass   = ethernet
>>     cap 01[dc] = powerspec 2  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
>> Also, this machine uses RT8139 (rl0) for its LAN and it works too.
> Glad to hear that. Unfortunately I have no plan or time to merge
> all changes made in re(4)/rl(4) to stable/6 so you may have to
> stick to this unofficial driver. As you already know, I overhauled
> these drivers long time ago and there were too many changes.

Well, given that before busdma commit that hardware worked just fine with stock 
it could be less overhead for me to rollback that one busdma small chunk :-)
Who knows, which drivers got broken then in 2010 in 6.4-STABLE with busdma 
change besides re(4)...
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