----- Original Message ----- From: "Andriy Gapon" <a...@freebsd.org>
To: "Steven Hartland" <kill...@multiplay.co.uk> Cc: <freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.org> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 1:56 PM Subject: Re: debugging frequent kernel panics on 8.2-RELEASE
on 17/08/2011 15:15 Steven Hartland said the following:define allpcpu set $i = 0 while ($i <= mp_maxid) p *cpuid_to_pcpu[$i] set $i = $i + 1 end end allpcpuHere's the output.[snip]$3 = {pc_curthread = 0xffffff06b7f9c000, pc_idlethread = 0xffffff0012d85460, pc_fpcurthread = 0x0, pc_deadthread = 0x0, pc_curpcb = 0xffffff8d8f35ad00, pc_switchtime = 564139963042291, pc_switchticks = 247796550, pc_cpuid = 2, pc_cpumask = 4, pc_other_cpus = 16777211, pc_allcpu = {sle_next = 0xffffffff808af680}, pc_spinlocks = 0x0, pc_cnt = {v_swtch = 1005391948, v_trap = 95927887, v_syscall = 2033274537, v_intr = 137253, v_soft = 151981308, v_vm_faults = 14199910, v_cow_faults = 1468132, v_cow_optim = 533, v_zfod = 11032593, v_ozfod = 0, v_swapin = 0, v_swapout = 0, v_swappgsin = 0, v_swappgsout = 0, v_vnodein = 17238, v_vnodeout = 48, v_vnodepgsin = 17238, v_vnodepgsout = 378, v_intrans = 6753, v_reactivated = 0, v_pdwakeups = 0, v_pdpages = 0, v_tcached = 0, v_dfree = 0, v_pfree = 0, v_tfree = 15435380, v_page_size = 0, v_page_count = 0, v_free_reserved = 0, v_free_target = 0, v_free_min = 0, v_free_count = 0, v_wire_count = 0, v_active_count = 0, v_inactive_target = 0, v_inactive_count = 0, v_cache_count = 0, v_cache_min = 0, v_cache_max = 0, v_pageout_free_min = 0, v_interrupt_free_min = 0, v_free_severe = 0, v_forks = 24041, v_vforks = 16857, v_rforks = 0, v_kthreads = 0, v_forkpages = 6281292, v_vforkpages = 3606842, v_rforkpages = 0, v_kthreadpages = 0}, pc_cp_time = {8629094, 693, 594838, 24425, 23707811}, pc_device = 0xffffff0012da2500, pc_netisr = 0x0, pc_rm_queue = {rmq_next = 0xffffffff808afa50, rmq_prev = 0xffffffff808afa50}, pc_dynamic = 18446743526093326592, pc_monitorbuf = '\0' <repeats 127 times>, pc_prvspace = 0xffffffff808af900, pc_curpmap = 0xffffffff8083ea50, pc_tssp = 0xffffffff808ae7d0, pc_commontssp = 0xffffffff808ae7d0, pc_rsp0 = -491518579456, pc_scratch_rsp = 140737488347240, pc_apic_id = 2, pc_acpi_id = 2, pc_fs32p = 0xffffffff808ad600, pc_gs32p = 0xffffffff808ad608, pc_ldt = 0xffffffff808ad648, pc_tss = 0xffffffff808ad638, pc_cmci_mask = 8}[snip] Thank you. A few more questions: 1. more kgdb info for the core: p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread) p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread->td_proc) p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread->td_proc->p_limit)
(kgdb) p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread)$1 = {td_lock = 0xffffffff8084a440, td_proc = 0xffffff070b5a48c0, td_plist = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xffffff070b5a48d0}, td_runq = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xffffffff8084a688}, td_slpq = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xffffff0296460900}, td_lockq = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xffffff8d8fb5c8b0}, td_cpuset = 0xffffff0012d65dc8, td_sel = 0xffffff0a1b76c700, td_sleepqueue = 0xffffff0296460900, td_turnstile = 0xffffff05f31d8000, td_umtxq = 0xffffff05513d9780, td_tid = 102057, td_sigqueue = {sq_signals = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, sq_kill = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, sq_list = {tqh_first = 0x0, tqh_last = 0xffffff06b7f9c0a0}, sq_proc = 0xffffff070b5a48c0, sq_flags = 1}, td_flags = 6, td_inhibitors = 0, td_pflags = 0, td_dupfd = 0, td_sqqueue = 0, td_wchan = 0x0, td_wmesg = 0x0, td_lastcpu = 2 '\002', td_oncpu = 2 '\002', td_owepreempt = 0 '\0', td_tsqueue = 0 '\0', td_locks = 998, td_rw_rlocks = 0, td_lk_slocks = 0, td_blocked = 0x0, td_lockname = 0x0, td_contested = {lh_first = 0x0}, td_sleeplocks = 0x0, td_intr_nesting_level = 0, td_pinned = 1, td_ucred = 0xffffff0551cf9900, td_estcpu = 0, td_slptick = 0, td_blktick = 0, td_ru = {ru_utime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ru_stime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ru_maxrss = 2068, ru_ixrss = 5280, ru_idrss = 19296, ru_isrss = 6144, ru_minflt = 5015, ru_majflt = 0, ru_nswap = 0, ru_inblock = 0, ru_oublock = 0, ru_msgsnd = 241, ru_msgrcv = 2076, ru_nsignals = 1, ru_nvcsw = 2264, ru_nivcsw = 159}, td_incruntime = 4257692, td_runtime = 487523210, td_pticks = 0, td_sticks = 0, td_iticks = 0, td_uticks = 0, td_intrval = 4, td_oldsigmask = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, td_sigmask = {__bits = {16384, 0, 0, 0}}, td_generation = 2423, td_sigstk = {ss_sp = 0x0, ss_size = 0, ss_flags = 4}, td_xsig = 0, td_profil_addr = 0, td_profil_ticks = 0, td_name = "httpd", '\0' <repeats 14 times>, td_fpop = 0x0, td_dbgflags = 0, td_dbgksi = { ksi_link = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0x0}, ksi_info = {si_signo = 0, si_errno = 0, si_code = 0, si_pid = 0, si_uid = 0, si_status = 0, si_addr = 0x0, si_value = {sival_int = 0, sival_ptr = 0x0, sigval_int = 0, sigval_ptr = 0x0}, _reason = {_fault = {_trapno = 0}, _timer = {_timerid = 0, _overrun = 0}, _mesgq = {_mqd = 0}, _poll = {_band = 0}, __spare__ = {__spare1__ = 0, __spare2__ = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}, ksi_flags = 0, ksi_sigq = 0x0}, td_ng_outbound = 0, td_osd = {osd_nslots = 0, osd_slots = 0x0, osd_next = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 0x0}}, td_rqindex = 32 ' ', td_base_pri = 128 '\200', td_priority = 128 '\200', td_pri_class = 3 '\003', td_user_pri = 128 '\200', td_base_user_pri = 128 '\200', td_pcb = 0xffffff8d8f35ad00, td_state = TDS_RUNNING, td_retval = {0, 8}, td_slpcallout = {c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xffffff800088ce00}}, c_time = 247622368, c_arg = 0xffffff06b7f9c000, c_func = 0xffffffff803c4bd0 <sleepq_timeout>, c_lock = 0x0, c_flags = 16, c_cpu = 13}, td_frame = 0xffffff8d8f35ac40, td_kstack_obj = 0xffffff0a51ee5e58, td_kstack = 18446743582190956544, td_kstack_pages = 4, td_unused1 = 0x0, td_unused2 = 0, td_unused3 = 0, td_critnest = 0, td_md = {md_spinlock_count = 0, md_saved_flags = 70}, td_sched = 0xffffff06b7f9c428, td_ar = 0x0, td_syscalls = 129862, td_lprof = {{lh_first = 0x0}, {lh_first = 0x0}}, td_dtrace = 0x0, td_errno = 0, td_vnet = 0x0, td_vnet_lpush = 0x0, td_rux = {rux_runtime = 483265518,
rux_uticks = 7, rux_sticks = 17, rux_iticks = 0, rux_uu = 0, rux_su = 0, rux_tu = 0}, td_map_def_user = 0x0} (kgdb) p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread->td_proc)$2 = {p_list = {le_next = 0xffffff0653ff78c0, le_prev = 0xffffffff80841b48}, p_threads = {tqh_first = 0xffffff06b7f9c000, tqh_last = 0xffffff06b7f9c010}, p_slock = {lock_object = {lo_name = 0xffffffff806323c0 "process slock", lo_flags = 720896, lo_data = 0, lo_witness = 0x0}, mtx_lock = 4}, p_ucred = 0xffffff0551cf9900, p_fd = 0x0, p_fdtol = 0x0, p_stats = 0xffffff04ea565600, p_limit = 0x0, p_limco = {c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = { tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0x0}}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_lock = 0xffffff070b5a49b8, c_flags = 0, c_cpu = 0}, p_sigacts = 0xffffff0a663a1000, p_flag = 268443904, p_state = PRS_NORMAL, p_pid = 78097, p_hash = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 0xffffff800021c888}, p_pglist = {le_next = 0xffffff00285c5460, le_prev = 0xffffff0afa9b8988}, p_pptr = 0xffffff0afa9b88c0, p_sibling = {le_next = 0xffffff00285c5460, le_prev = 0xffffff0afa9b89b0}, p_children = {lh_first = 0x0}, p_mtx = {lock_object = {lo_name = 0xffffffff806323b3 "process lock", lo_flags = 21168128, lo_data = 10, lo_witness = 0x0}, mtx_lock = 18446743003054325761}, p_ksi = 0xffffff0016738bd0, p_sigqueue = {sq_signals = {__bits = {16384, 0, 0, 0}}, sq_kill = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, sq_list = {tqh_first = 0xffffff033829d070, tqh_last = 0xffffff033829d070}, sq_proc = 0xffffff070b5a48c0, sq_flags = 1}, p_oppid = 0, p_vmspace = 0xffffffff8083e920, p_swtick = 89392056, p_realtimer = {it_interval = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, it_value = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, p_ru = {ru_utime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ru_stime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, ru_maxrss = 0, ru_ixrss = 0, ru_idrss = 0, ru_isrss = 0, ru_minflt = 0, ru_majflt = 0, ru_nswap = 0, ru_inblock = 0, ru_oublock = 0, ru_msgsnd = 0, ru_msgrcv = 0, ru_nsignals = 0, ru_nvcsw = 0, ru_nivcsw = 0}, p_rux = {rux_runtime = 483265518, rux_uticks = 7, rux_sticks = 17, rux_iticks = 0, rux_uu = 61934, rux_su = 150412, rux_tu = 212347}, p_crux = {rux_runtime = 80058539464, rux_uticks = 2914, rux_sticks = 1778, rux_iticks = 0, rux_uu = 21847439, rux_su = 13330387, rux_tu = 35177827}, p_profthreads = 0, p_exitthreads = 0, p_traceflag = 0, p_tracevp = 0x0, p_tracecred = 0x0, p_textvp = 0x0, p_lock = 11, p_sigiolst = {slh_first = 0x0}, p_sigparent = 20, p_sig = 0, p_code = 0, p_stops = 0, p_stype = 0, p_step = 0 '\0', p_pfsflags = 0 '\0', p_nlminfo = 0x0, p_aioinfo = 0x0, p_singlethread = 0x0, p_suspcount = 0, p_xthread = 0xffffff06b7f9c000, p_boundary_count = 0, p_pendingcnt = 1, p_itimers = 0x0, p_magic = 3203398350, p_osrel = 802000, p_comm = "httpd", '\0' <repeats 14 times>, p_pgrp = 0xffffff05f3928080, p_sysent = 0xffffffff807fe180, p_args = 0xffffff0a8ad5e600, p_cpulimit = 9223372036854775807, p_nice = 0 '\0', p_fibnum = 0, p_xstat = 0, p_klist = {kl_list = {slh_first = 0x0}, kl_lock = 0xffffffff803586e0 <knlist_mtx_lock>, kl_unlock = 0xffffffff803586b0 <knlist_mtx_unlock>, kl_assert_locked = 0xffffffff80355380 <knlist_mtx_assert_locked>, kl_assert_unlocked = 0xffffffff80355390 <knlist_mtx_assert_unlocked>, kl_lockarg = 0xffffff070b5a49b8}, p_numthreads = 1, p_md = {md_ldt = 0x0, md_ldt_sd = {sd_lolimit = 0, sd_lobase = 0, sd_type = 0, sd_dpl = 0, sd_p = 0, sd_hilimit = 0, sd_xx0 = 0, sd_gran = 0, sd_hibase = 0, sd_xx1 = 0, sd_mbz = 0, sd_xx2 = 0}}, p_itcallout = {c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = {tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0x0}}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_lock = 0x0, c_flags = 16, c_cpu = 0}, p_acflag = 1, p_peers = 0x0, p_leader = 0xffffff070b5a48c0, p_emuldata = 0x0, p_label = 0x0, p_sched = 0xffffff070b5a4d20, p_ktr = {stqh_first = 0x0, stqh_last = 0xffffff070b5a4cf0}, p_mqnotifier = {lh_first = 0x0}, p_dtrace = 0x0, p_pwait = {cv_description = 0xffffffff80632b87 "ppwait", cv_waiters = 0}}
(kgdb) p *(cpuid_to_pcpu[2]->pc_curthread->td_proc->p_limit) Cannot access memory at address 0x0
2. do you have any additional patches in your source tree besides those debugging patches that I provided to you?
Yes, in this build we have:- 1. tcp_reass.c-logdebug+missingsegment-20110811-lstewart.patch (fixes tcp stalling) http://people.freebsd.org/~lstewart/patches/misctcp/tcp_reass.c-logdebug%2bmissingsegment-20110811-lstewart.diff 2. libz.patch (disables assembly optimisations in libz as it causes application crashes) 3. udp6_usrreq.c.patch (fixes ipv4 on ipv6 sockets) http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/sys/netinet6/udp6_usrreq.c?r1=220463&r2=220462&pathrev=220463 4. cam-timeout-fix.patch (fixes overflow in cam timeouts) http://codelabs.ru/fbsd/patches/cam/CAM-properly-convert-timeout-to-ticks.diff 5. ixgbe.c.patch & ixgbe.h.patch (fixes ipconfig disconnecting link) 6. stop_scheduler_on_panic.8.x.patch (your first patch) 7. panic-info.patch (your second patch) The only patches of these present when we initially noticed the problem where #2, #3 & #5 (but these machines are not using this driver)
3. do you have any thirdparty/out-of-tree kernel modules?
Nope, our kernel is compiled with a load of drivers disabled and then the following:- device ahci makeoptions MODULES_OVERRIDE="linux linprocfs acpi nullfs unionfs accf_http if_lagg opensolaris zfs ipmi i2c" options COMPAT_LINUX32 options DEVICE_POLLING N.B. although device polling is compiled in its not used on any of these machines.
4. could you please send me your kernel config?
See direct email, as not sure it will go to the list. RegardsSteve
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