stay away from newer hp laptops.
been repairing laptops for money in recent years. HP laptops made after
2008 generally have serious issues with BGA lifting, and usually require
motherboard replacement after 1-2 years. also their manuals have even
more undocumented disassembly instructions, as well as incorrect
disassembly instructions (use common sense and your eyes, following
instructions will destroy hp laptops).
as far as new/used, don't be biased. a used laptop will work fine.
just keep the airpath and fan clean. used laptops on ebay can be had
cheap, and rarely need extra work, and when they do, the parts are cheap
and at the same place.
advice: used is okay, use core2 duo or better, 3G RAM min, and samsung
and toshiba BOTH now make 9.5mm 1TB laptop drives (for older laptops).
Zoran Kolic wrote:
Comes a time to ask again and again the same question.
More I read, less I know. Just as I found that candida-
te for my new laptop, dell latitude 13 comes with anti-
glare screen and all hardware well supported, forums
reveal that it's 320gb hard drive heats a lot. It makes
vostro v13 better runner, but...
How sounds the idea to have a place on freebsd site for
such kind of data/wiki? Laptop recommendations should
include new models only, since older ones are not easy to
find in usable condition. Also, making a go for home
node, cold and quiet box, with parts fine under freebsd
is not so obvious. Especially for newer graphic chips.
It shows that my first idea to get cold phenom II on the
integrated mobo fails on almost all parts.
Yep, some kind of wiki, saying "phenom to use under 8.2
to be cold and chip to find for amd mobo to take small
amount of power might be..."
At last, sad thing is that only before mentioned dell
comes supported and with matte screen. What is the box
you would recommend, not going deep into past decade?
Best regards all
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