On 11 June 2011 03:48, Jim Bryant <kc5vdj.free...@gmail.com> wrote:

> this is with if_urtw.c patched to change L to B as you supplied.
> I'm here for testing..  any more ideas?  If anyone wants to play themselves,
> look on ebay for WiFiSky 1500mW B/G with 6dBi antenna.  It seems that half
> of Hong Kong is selling these for under $20 USD.
I've enough wireless hardware. :)

If someone:

* buys me a pair;
* demonstrates it runs fine under linux or some other open source
operating system;
* gives me enough time;

Then sure, I may make this work.

(The offer stands for Linux carl9170 compatible devices btw. I'll
likely take a crack at porting that driver after my exams, but only
once I've finished off the Atheros 11n TX code.)

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