Am 01.06.2011 um 10:16 schrieb Arnaud Houdelette:

> Hi.
> I know that there is 2 versions of boot0 : With and Without serial support.

boot0 and boot0sio are FreeBSD's version of the MBR; it's what shows the F1..F4 

> Is it the same with gptzfsboot ?
> How to build gptzfsboot with serial support, setting serial speed at 19200 
> baud ?

Serial support is built by default for boot1/2, loader and it's variations.  To 
change the default from video console to serial, or change the speed, see 
boot(8), and add the appropriate flags to /boot.config.

If you only require loader(8) to interact with the serial console, you can set 
loader.conf(5) variables to pick the console and the speed.


Stefan Bethke <>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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