Ok, not sure if this really belongs on the STABLE mailing list but we'll see if you can help:

- I was originally running FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE
- I patched my 8.2 source with the patches here: http://blog.vx.sk/archives/24-Backported-patches-for-FreeBSD-82-RELEASE.html - I built my system with "make buildworld && make buildkernel" and then installed both; rebooted. I know this isn't the norm, but I'm still running 8.2-RELEASE except these specific bugfixes so there really is no need for mergemaster
- Now df -t doesn't work

I noticed weird processes hanging and a few other things not running normally (monitoring). Turns out that anything that uses df -t just hangs (xymon, periodic, crons, find seems to hang when excluding filesystems)... doesn't matter what parameters you give it, it just hangs. Any thoughts on this? Regular df -h, etc work fine....


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