On Mon, 2 May 2011, Kenneth D. Merry wrote:

KDM> It looks like you have a SAS2008, with the 4.0 firmware.  I think it would
KDM> be worthwhile to upgrade to the 9.0 firmware.  I know for sure there are
KDM> issues with the 2.0 firmware, and I know the 9.0 firmware works fairly
KDM> well.  I don't know whether the 4.0 firmware has any severe issues, but it
KDM> would be good to eliminate firmware bugs before we chase driver issues.


KDM> Well, I think the first thing to do is upgrade the firmware and see if that
KDM> fixes it.

Well, I tried, and unfortunately I can not say that I'm happy after the 
upgrade. :(

Particularly, adapter now takes *VERY* long time (>10 minutes) to initialize, 
and report as "ERROR" in BIOS utility (while seeing all 24 disks; however, it 
reports 8 x36 expanders instead of one).

I can't boot the system off this array yet; will experiment further :(

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
[ FreeBSD committer:                                 ma...@freebsd.org ]
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