
On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 12:42:22PM -0400, Jeff Blank wrote:
>I recently upgraded from 8.0-STABLE to 8.2-STABLE (Apr. 29 checkout)
>and upgraded my zpool (includes root FS) from v13 to v15.  This is a
>dual-boot laptop, so I'm using MBR/boot0 and not GPT.  Here's what
>happens when I boot:
>F1  Win
>F2  ?
>F3  FreeBSD
>Boot:  F3
>ZFS: unsupported ZFS version 15 (should be 13)
>No ZFS pools located, can't boot

This has been discussed thoroughly in the past. You need to update your 
bootcode. You can use gpart(8) with the bootcode option to do this or your 
standard preferred way.

You will also have to do this same step when v28 makes it into the code.

Good Luck


 Regards, (jhell)
 Jason Hellenthal

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