On 29/04/2011, at 10:38, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> Could you please provide output from "zfs get all poolname"?  Myself and
> others would like to review what settings you're using on the
> filesystem.  If it's a separate filesystem (e.g. pool/foobar), please
> also provide output from "zfs get all pool".

[midget 11:51] ~ >zfs get all tank
NAME  PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
tank  type                  filesystem             -
tank  creation              Thu Sep 24 11:22 2009  -
tank  used                  2.58T                  -
tank  available             981G                   -
tank  referenced            44.7K                  -
tank  compressratio         1.00x                  -
tank  mounted               yes                    -
tank  quota                 none                   default
tank  reservation           none                   default
tank  recordsize            128K                   default
tank  mountpoint            /tank                  default
tank  sharenfs              off                    default
tank  checksum              on                     default
tank  compression           off                    default
tank  atime                 on                     default
tank  devices               on                     default
tank  exec                  on                     default
tank  setuid                on                     default
tank  readonly              off                    default
tank  jailed                off                    default
tank  snapdir               hidden                 default
tank  aclmode               groupmask              default
tank  aclinherit            restricted             default
tank  canmount              on                     default
tank  shareiscsi            off                    default
tank  xattr                 off                    temporary
tank  copies                1                      default
tank  version               3                      -
tank  utf8only              off                    -
tank  normalization         none                   -
tank  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
tank  vscan                 off                    default
tank  nbmand                off                    default
tank  sharesmb              off                    default
tank  refquota              none                   default
tank  refreservation        none                   default
tank  primarycache          all                    default
tank  secondarycache        all                    default
tank  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
tank  usedbydataset         44.7K                  -
tank  usedbychildren        2.58T                  -
tank  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -
[midget 11:51] ~ >zfs get all tank/TimeMachine      
NAME              PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
tank/TimeMachine  type                  filesystem             -
tank/TimeMachine  creation              Sat May  8 10:59 2010  -
tank/TimeMachine  used                  555G                   -
tank/TimeMachine  available             45.3G                  -
tank/TimeMachine  referenced            555G                   -
tank/TimeMachine  compressratio         1.00x                  -
tank/TimeMachine  mounted               yes                    -
tank/TimeMachine  quota                 600G                   local
tank/TimeMachine  reservation           none                   default
tank/TimeMachine  recordsize            128K                   default
tank/TimeMachine  mountpoint            /tank/TimeMachine      default
tank/TimeMachine  sharenfs              off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  checksum              on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  compression           off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  atime                 on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  devices               on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  exec                  on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  setuid                on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  readonly              off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  jailed                off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  snapdir               hidden                 default
tank/TimeMachine  aclmode               groupmask              default
tank/TimeMachine  aclinherit            restricted             default
tank/TimeMachine  canmount              on                     default
tank/TimeMachine  shareiscsi            off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  xattr                 off                    temporary
tank/TimeMachine  copies                1                      default
tank/TimeMachine  version               3                      -
tank/TimeMachine  utf8only              off                    -
tank/TimeMachine  normalization         none                   -
tank/TimeMachine  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
tank/TimeMachine  vscan                 off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  nbmand                off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  sharesmb              off                    default
tank/TimeMachine  refquota              none                   default
tank/TimeMachine  refreservation        none                   default
tank/TimeMachine  primarycache          all                    default
tank/TimeMachine  secondarycache        all                    default
tank/TimeMachine  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
tank/TimeMachine  usedbydataset         555G                   -
tank/TimeMachine  usedbychildren        0                      -
tank/TimeMachine  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -

>> The OSX box is connected via an Airport Express (11n).
> Can you connect something to it via Ethernet and attempt an FTP transfer
> (both PUT (store on server) and GET (retrieve from server)) from a
> client on the wired network?  Make sure whatever you're PUT'ing and
> GET'ing are using the ZFS filesystem.  Don't forget "binary" mode too.

I'll try that tonight.

> You should see very good performance on files that are already in the
> ARC.  So for example, pick a 500MB ISO file that hasn't been accessed
> previously (thus isn't in the ARC).  GET'ing it should result in a lot
> of disk I/O (zpool iostat -v 1).  But a subsequent GET should show very
> little disk I/O, as all the data should be coming from memory (ARC).  A
> PUT would test write.
> Basically what I'm trying to figure out here is if the network layer is
> somehow causing these problems for you or not.  Wireless is simply too
> unreliable/too flippant in packet loss and latency to be a good medium
> to test throughput of a filesystem.  Period.

I'll try but I would expect backup over wireless to cause less of a performance 
degradation of other ZFS consumers because the backup is being throttled by it.

I am not concerned about the time it takes to do a time machine backup since it 
happens in the background and in any case I believe OSX makes it go slow to not 
hammer the machine being backed up.

> Be aware there are all sorts of caveats/complexities with iSCSI on
> FreeBSD.  There are past threads on -stable and -fs talking about them
> in great detail.  I personally wouldn't go this route.


It also seems that OSX can't see iSCSI disks out of the box so I suspect I 
would not be able to do a bare metal restore from one which greatly limits the 
desirability of it.

> Why can't OS X use CIFS?  It has the ability to mount a SMB filesystem,
> right?  Is there some reason you can't mount that, then tell TM to write
> its backups to /mountedcifs?

I'm not sure.. You need to set a flag to allow it to backup to a "non standard" 
(ie non TimeCapsule) AFS share.

In any case I would still have to create a HFS+ volume on the CIFS partition so 
I'm not sure it would make any practical difference (vs AFP).

>>> (please don't; it would be more useful if it could be kept up in case
>>> folks want to do analysis of it).
>> I think performance does improve after a reboot :(
> This could be a memory performance or fragmentation problem then.  Gosh
> it's been a long time since I've read about that.  Some FreeBSD folks
> knew of such, and I think someone came up with a patch for it, but I'm
> not sure.  I wish I could remember the name of the developer who was
> talking about it.  Artem Belevich maybe?

OK.. It does act as a desktop box too which I imagine won't help any..

> The other problem a user had pertaining to ZFS and memory performance
> was even more odd, but was eventually tracked down.  He had installed
> two DIMMs in his machine (making a total of 4) and suddenly memory
> performance was abysmal.  Remove the DIMMs, performance restored.  Put
> the two removed DIMMs in (previous working ones out), performance was

Huh interesting :)

> fine.  If I remember right, the issue turned out to be a bug in the
> BIOS, and a BIOS upgrade from Intel (it was an Intel motherboard) fixed
> it.  Intel is one of the only companies that releases *very* concise and
> decent changelogs for their BIOSes, which is wonderful.

Yes, most are opaque beyond belief..

Supermicro also label them MMDDYY just to minimise utility too..

>> although free does go down very low (~250MB) at times.
> This is normal.  The ZFS ARC has most of your memory (shown as "Wired"
> in the above top output).  If something needs memory, parts of the ARC
> will be released/freed given memory pressure.


> I will note something, however: your ARC max is set to 3072MB, yet Wired
> is around 4143MB.  Do you have something running on this box that takes
> up a lot of RAM?  mysqld, etc..?  I'm trying to account for the "extra
> gigabyte" in Wired.  "top -o res" might help here, but we'd need to see
> the process list.

It runs X and so on which probably soak up a fair bit.

It runs a very lightly loaded postgres as well.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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