
> So you need to reprogram your HDAC.  You have four speaker possibilities,
> nids 21, 22, 28 and 30.  I can't tell which one is the one you want, so
> you'll need to try all four until you find it.  Use config in your
> /boot/loader.conf.local like this:

> Correction...
> Your output association is as=1.  So you want:
> hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid21.config="as=1 seq=0"
> hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid27.config="as=1 seq=15"
# cat /boot/loader.conf.local
hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid30.config="as=1 seq=0 device=Speaker conn=Fixed"
hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid27.config="as=1 seq=15"

I have tried with and without ``device=Speaker conn=Fixed'',
for all nid21, 22, 28 and 30 (reboot 8 times).
And each time mixer(8) does not mute the speaker.
But the speakers are still quiet.

Please do not suspect my speakers, they work well on win7
on the other partition/slice.

Thank you very much.

Gua Chung Lim
Please help donate to Japan.
-- for earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation reliefs (2011)
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