Hello All,

I upgrade a very old machine from 6.3-RELEASE to 8.1-RELEASE by
'freebsd-update'. After boot with 8.1 GENERIC kernel, it holds-on at
''Entropy harvesting: '. I try to change configuration in
/etc/defaults/rc.conf, it helpless.

harvest_interrupt="NO" # Entropy device harvests interrupt randomness
harvest_ethernet="NO"  # Entropy device harvests ethernet randomness
harvest_p_to_p="NO"    # Entropy device harvests point-to-point randomness

Then, I 'chmod 0  /etc/rc.d/initrandom'. The 8.1 skipped 'Entropy
harvesting', but hold-on again at 'pre-seeding PRNG'.

Any suggestion? Thanks and happy Lantern Festival.
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