On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 07:18:28PM -0500, Glen Barber wrote:
> Hi,
> I know tmpfs(5) is experimental on FreeBSD, but it seems to be enabled
> for ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel, which probably not too coincidentally
> had just started a build before the machine panic'd.
> uname:
> FreeBSD orion 8.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-PRERELEASE #8 r217160: Sat Jan
>  8 14:17:44 EST 2011     gbarber@orion:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ORION  amd64
> I was able to get a shot of the console, which didn't give much output:
>       http://www.glenbarber.us/img/panic.jpg
> Unfortunately, the machine hung on dumping RAM, in spite of
> 'dumpdev="/dev/mirror/swap"' in rc.conf, so it seems I might be out of
> luck with getting a full crash report.
> I have dmesg from the last boot available here:
>       http://www.glenbarber.us/stuff/dmesg.txt
> The machine runs a full ZFS setup, with a custom kernel; KERNCONF is
> available here:
>       http://www.glenbarber.us/stuff/kernconf.txt
> Any advice on how I can help provide further information would be
> appreciated.

At this time do not mix tmpfs with ZFS:


| Jeremy Chadwick                                   j...@parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                       http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.               PGP 4BD6C0CB |

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