Hello, Eugene.
You wrote 1 февраля 2011 г., 15:38:33:

> Eugene wrote:
>> You could give a try to netisr parallelism of RELENG_8 instead of POLLING
>> (and tune interrupt throttling) if your box does not have lots of dynamic
>> interfaces like when using mpd.
> Jack wrote:
>> I don't test POLLING, sounds like its broken, I don't understand
>> why you think you need you need it?  This hardware supports
>> MSI why not use it?

>   I send one answer to two messages, because data is the same.

>   Here it is snapshot of "top -S" with "H" pressed when server sends
> 1Gbit/s via SMB with polling (Windows'7 client copies 8GiB sparse file to very
> fast local disk):
>   the same without polling, with net.isr settings:
> # sysctl net.isr
> net.isr.direct: 0
> net.isr.direct_force: 0
  After these settings server lost connection. It works locally, no
 panic, but "ping gateway" shows "No buffer space available", and any
 other "network activity" shows the same message.

 Up-down of interface helps.

 I attached outputs of:

 vmstat -m
 netstat -m
 sysctl dev.em0

 BEFORE interface reset

  No polling, net.isr.direct=0, net.isr.direct_force=0

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

Attachment: sysctl.dev.em0.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: vmstat-m.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: netstat-m.log
Description: Binary data

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