On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 10:07:10 +0100
Martin Matuska <m...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> To use with newer stable (or releng/8.2) use a more recent patch from:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~mm/patches/zfs/v28/
> Cheers,
> mm
> Dňa 14.01.2011 18:19, Christopher J. Ruwe  wrote / napísal(a):
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I would like to test Martin Matuskas patch for ZFS v28 against
> > stable. Can I patch against any stable (like stable of today) or
> > does it necessarily need to be the stable-tree of the date
> > specified in the patch-file?
> > 
> > If the latter should be true, how do I obtain a stable tree of any
> > given date?
> > 
> > Thanks for any help, kind regards,
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Thank you all for your help so far. I have successfully patched the
tree from date=2010. with the patch from Dec 18th as a
starter and compiled the kernel and world without errors. With these, I
have upgraded a zpool, which resides on a geli encrypted hd-partition
and on which I have the homes, /usr, /var and /tmp and /compat. I
upgraded the zfs as well. All is well so far and I have (apart from a
probably unrelated geli issue¹ I am having) not noticed anything

I have now two questions:

1) Am I correct, that before upgrading the rpool and zfs I am booting
from, I should run "gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i
1 ada0", if my freebsd-boot resides on the first gpt provider?

2) I noticed Martin Matuska's site patches more recent than Dec 18th,
but marked nopython. What do these mean and can/should I try these
also? I remember reading somewhere about this, but I cannot find


Thank you all for your help, kind regards,
Christopher J. Ruwe
TZ GMT + 1

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