On Mon, 10.01.2011 at 16:49:14 -0500, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Monday, January 10, 2011 4:40:04 pm Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > the following line in fstab used to work just fine for my /tmp:
> > 
> > tmpfs                   /tmp    tmpfs   rw,size=1g,mode=1777    0 0
> I thought there was a thread recently about tmpfs not supporting things like 
> "1g" for size?
Nah, this must be some leak of another kind. Luckily I could bandaid
this by unionfs mounting an mfs disk over /tmp so programs continue to

But, tmpfs really is out of resources, as I cannot create new tmpfs's
for example:

r...@elmar: ~# mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /media
mount: tmpfs : No space left on device

And besides, the /tmp mount comes up fine and shows enough free space (I
checked this the last time, after I had rebooted the box).

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