2011/1/9 Jeremy Chadwick <free...@jdc.parodius.com>:

> errno 6 is "device not configured".  ad4 is on a Silicon Image
> controller (thankfully a reliable model).  Sadly AHCI (ahci.ko) isn't in
> use here; I would advocate switching to it (your device names will
> change however) and see if these errors continue (they'll appear as SCSI
> CAM errors though).  ahci_load="yes" in /boot/loader.conf should be
> enough.  smartmontools does know to talk ATA to /dev/adaX (that's not a
> typo) disks.

Made that change, ahci is loaded

[...@swanbsd /usr/home/tom]$ kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 1   16 0xc0400000 bd9998   kernel
 2    1 0xc0fda000 88a8     snd_emu10k1.ko
 3    3 0xc0fe3000 579b0    sound.ko
 4    1 0xc103b000 4df90c   nvidia.ko
 5    1 0xc151b000 c108     ahci.ko
[...@swanbsd /usr/home/tom]$ cat /boot/loader.conf
[...@swanbsd /usr/home/tom]$

But the device naming is unchanged:

[...@swanbsd /usr/home/tom]$ ls /dev/a*
/dev/acd0       /dev/ad0s2      /dev/ad4s1      /dev/ad4s2e     /dev/apm0
/dev/acd1       /dev/ad0s5      /dev/ad4s2      /dev/ad4s2f     /dev/ata
/dev/acpi       /dev/ad0s6      /dev/ad4s2a     /dev/ad4s3      /dev/atkbd0
/dev/ad0        /dev/ad0s7      /dev/ad4s2b     /dev/ad4s4      /dev/audit
/dev/ad0s1      /dev/ad4        /dev/ad4s2d     /dev/ad4s5
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