On 1/8/2011 4:33 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org
<mailto:d...@langille.org>> wrote:

    I've been running a ZFS array for about 10 months on a system with
    4GB of RAM.  I'm about to add another 4GB of RAM.

    I think this might be an opportune time to run some simple
    benchmarks and do some tuning.  Getting more out of the system is
    not a priority for me.  It does what I need now.  However, I do see
    some merit in writing something up for others to see/follow/learn.

    The system is running FreeBSD 8.2-PRERELEASE #1: Tue Nov 30 22:07:59
    EST 2010 on a 64 bit box.  The ZFS array consists of 7x2TB commodity
    drives on two SiI3124 SATA controllers.  The OS runs off a gmirror

    More details here: http://www.freebsddiary.org/zfs-benchmark.php

    First, up, I've done a simple bonnie++ benchmark before I add more
    RAM.  I ran this on two different datasets; one with compression
    enabled, one without.

    If anyone has suggestions for various tests, option settings, etc,
    I'm happy to run them and include the results.  We have lots of time
    to play with this.

    Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

I think , you know the following pages :


Some of the links may disappear spontaneously because of restructuring
of their respective sites .

Looking briefly, them seen to be more aimed at regression testing than a benchmark. They all seem to be the same thing (just different instances).

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I will look closer.

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/
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