On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 04:04:34PM -0500, Michael L. Squires wrote:
> Problem is watchdog timeouts with a Broadcom GigE interface on a Tyan 
> S4881 using 7.4-PRERELEASE as of 11/22 and 7.3-STABLE as of 11/11.
> I've done the following, with no success:
> (1)  Tried the second port, bge1, in case the first had gone bad, and
> (2)  Recompiled samba34 (failure occurs when copying large files using 
> samba)
> I'm currently cvup'ing Release 7.3 and will see if compiling and 
> installing that version eliminates the problem.

There were a lot of bge(4) changes since 7.3-RELEASE so that would
be help to narrow down the issue. Would you show me the output of
"sysctl dev.bge.0.stats" and "ifconfig bge0"?
By chance, are you using POLLING?

> The ultimate solution may involve replacing the Tyan S4881 with a S4882 so 
> I can install other PCI-X cards (I'm unable to get the S4881 to assign 
> interrupts to PCI-X or PCI-E cards, a problem I've never seen before)

Hmm, I don't get it. Do you mean interrupt of the controller are not
fired at all?

> Mike Squires mi...@siralan.org
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