Hi FreeBSD-stable,

> > 1. Please, build your kernel with debug symbols.
> > 2. Show kgdb output

I could not convince the kernel to dump (it was looping forever but not
panicing), but I have managed to compiled a kernel with debugging
symbols and DDB which immediately drops into the debugger when the
problem occurs, see screenshot at:


Progress, I sense.

I tried typing 'panic' on the understanding that this should force a
panic and cause it would dump core to the configured swap device (I have
set dump* in /etc/rc.conf) so that I could get you the kgdb output, but
it just looped back into the debugger. This issue seems to occur very
early in the boot process.

I would like to invite anyone with the skills and the inclination to
have a poke around with this directly over VNC to email me off-list and
I will turn on the VM and send you the VNC credentials. My email address
is: luke [at] hybrid-logic.co.uk
Or you can catch me on Skype at luke.marsden. I'm in GMT+1.

I look forward to hearing from you ;-)

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Web: http://www.hybrid-cluster.com/
Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

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