
> > > Is this within a jail or something else along those lines?  I can't
> > > reproduce the problem otherwise.  Frustrating!  Someone else on the list
> > > might have ideas as to what could cause this.
> > 
> > Nope, this's a normal host. I've got securelevel on 1, but doubt that
> > would affect this?
> I assume it affects it.
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/faq/security.html#SECURELEVEL
> Basically, when the securelevel is positive, the kernel restricts
> certain tasks; not even the superuser (i.e., root) is allowed to
> do them.
> There:
> # Write to kernel memory via /dev/mem and /dev/kmem.
> So I assume it also restricts reading /dev/kmem ?

-c asks for pci device capabilities, which are read in

/usr/src/usr.sbin/pciconf/pciconf.c:177 with O_RDWR

I guess that's it.

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                        10 years to go !
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