07.07.2010 14:30, Randi Harper написав(ла):
>       I tried to do an install on one of the systems via netbooting
>       (pxeload) the disk1-image. It booted, but the sysinstall had to be
>       started manually and, once started, did not act the same as when
>       booted off of CD-ROM. Seems like a simple bit to correct so that
>       setting "init" to/usr/sbin/sysinstall/manually on every boot/  is
>       not necessary...
This shouldn't be the case. IIRC, nothing has changed that would cause
this. More info on your environment please?
Well, I never tried /this/ part before, so I'm not claiming, there is /re/gression here. Just lack of /pro/gress :-)

I have the following special entry in the dhcpd.conf:

   subnet netmask {
            range dynamic-bootp;
            option broadcast-address;
            option routers;
            option root-path "";
            filename        "pxeboot";

The filesystem accessible as /cdrom was an md-accessed FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-i386-disc1.iso (or bootonly). Can't easily recreate this, because the netbooting machine has now gone back to its owner.

The problem did not surprise me, because I followed (loosely) the instructions <http://www.freebsdwiki.net/index.php/Installing_FreeBSD_with_netboot>, where it was mentioned -- along with a work-around. If some simple logic can be put into the boot-image to allow it to do the right thing without manual fiddling, it would be great. Thanks!


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