Harald Schmalzbauer schrieb am 03.07.2010 10:05 (localtime):
One have to seperatly define ip4 and ip6 addresses. The can be with or without mask, single oder comma seperated list, doesn't matter, thanks to the jail_handle_ips_option() coder, it just works :)

I forgot to change that in defults/rc.conf.
Please find attached the corrected version.

--- src/etc/defaults/rc.conf    2010-06-28 19:22:08.000000000 +0200
+++ src/etc/defaults/rc.conf    2010-07-03 10:08:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -642,8 +642,13 @@
 jail_enable="NO"       # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails
 jail_list=""           # Space separated list of names of jails
 jail_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow root user in a jail to change its 
-jail_socket_unixiproute_only="YES" # Route only TCP/IP within a jail
 jail_sysvipc_allow="NO"        # Allow SystemV IPC use from within a jail
+jail_socket_unixiproute_only="YES" # Route only TCP/IP within a jail
+jail_raw_sockets_allow="NO" # Prison root can create raw sockets
+jail_chflags_allow="NO" # Processes in jail can alter system file flags
+jail_mount_allow="NO" # Processes in jail can mount/unmount jail-friendly file 
+jail_quotas_allow="NO" # The prison root may administer quotas on the jail's 
+socket_af_allow="NO" # Sockets within a jail are normally restricted to IPv4, 
IPv6, local (UNIX), and route.
 # To use rc's built-in jail infrastructure create entries for
@@ -658,8 +663,8 @@
 #jail_example_hostname="default.domain.com"    # Jail's hostname
 #jail_example_interface=""                     # Jail's interface variable to 
create IP aliases on
 #jail_example_fib="0"                          # Routing table for setfib(1)
-#jail_example_ip=",2001:db8::17"     # Jail's primary IPv4 and IPv6 
-#jail_example_ip_multi0="2001:db8::10"         #  and another IPv6 address
+#jail_example_ip4=","             # Jail's IPv4 
+#jail_example_ip6="2001:db8::10,fec0::0:1:2:3"         # Jail's IPv6 
 #jail_example_exec_start="/bin/sh /etc/rc"             # command to execute in 
jail for starting
 #jail_example_exec_afterstart0="/bin/sh command"       # command to execute 
after the one for
                                                        # starting the jail. 
More than one can be
@@ -672,6 +677,14 @@
 #jail_example_procfs_enable="NO"               # mount procfs in jail
 #jail_example_mount_enable="NO"                        # mount/umount jail's fs
 #jail_example_fstab=""                         # fstab(5) for mount/umount
+#jail_example_allow_set_hostname="NO"          # This jail can set hostname
+#jail_example_allow_sysvipc="NO"               # This jail can use SystemV IPC
+#jail_example_allow_raw_sockets="NO"           # This jail can create raw 
sockets (ping)
+#jail_example_allow_chflags="NO"               # This jail can alter it's 
filesystem flags
+#jail_example_allow_mount="NO"                 # This jail can mount jail 
friendly filesystems
+#jail_example_allow_quotas="NO"                        # This jail can modify 
quotas on it's filesystems
+#jail_example_allow_socket_af="NO"             # This jail can use other 
protocol stacks than IP4, IP6 and local
 #jail_example_flags="-l -U root"               # flags for jail(8)
--- src/etc/rc.d/jail   2010-06-28 19:22:11.000000000 +0200
+++ src/etc/rc.d/jail   2010-07-03 10:02:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+jail_restrictions="set_hostname sysvipc raw_sockets chflags mount quotas 
 # init_variables _j
 #      Initialize the various jail variables for jail _j.
@@ -38,7 +40,8 @@
        eval _hostname=\"\$jail_${_j}_hostname\"
-       eval _ip=\"\$jail_${_j}_ip\"
+       eval _ip4=\"\$jail_${_j}_ip4\"
+       eval _ip6=\"\$jail_${_j}_ip6\"
        eval _interface=\"\${jail_${_j}_interface:-${jail_interface}}\"
        eval _exec=\"\$jail_${_j}_exec\"
@@ -122,8 +125,9 @@
        debug "$_j procfs enable: $_procfs"
        debug "$_j mount enable: $_mount"
        debug "$_j hostname: $_hostname"
-       debug "$_j ip: $_ip"
-       jail_show_addresses ${_j}
+       debug "$_j ip4: $_ip4"
+       debug "$_j ip6: $_ip6"
+#      jail_show_addresses ${_j}
        debug "$_j interface: $_interface"
        debug "$_j fib: $_fib"
        debug "$_j root: $_rootdir"
@@ -347,27 +351,27 @@
 #      Debug print the input for the given _multi aliases
 #      for a jail for init_variables().
-       local _j _type alias
-       _j="$1"
-       alias=0
-       if [ -z "${_j}" ]; then
-               warn "jail_show_addresses: you must specify a jail"
-               return
-       fi
-       while : ; do
-               eval _addr=\"\$jail_${_j}_ip_multi${alias}\"
-               if [ -n "${_addr}" ]; then
-                       debug "${_j} ip_multi${alias}: $_addr"
-                       alias=$((${alias} + 1))
-               else
-                       break
-               fi
-       done
+#      local _j _type alias
+#      _j="$1"
+#      alias=0
+#      if [ -z "${_j}" ]; then
+#              warn "jail_show_addresses: you must specify a jail"
+#              return
+#      fi
+#      while : ; do
+#              eval _addr=\"\$jail_${_j}_ip_multi${alias}\"
+#              if [ -n "${_addr}" ]; then
+#                      debug "${_j} ip_multi${alias}: $_addr"
+#                      alias=$((${alias} + 1))
+#              else
+#                      break
+#              fi
+#      done
 # jail_extract_address argument
 #      The second argument is the string from one of the _ip
@@ -481,20 +485,26 @@
                *)      ;;
-               # Append address to list of addresses for the jail command.
-               case "${_addrl}" in
-               "")     _addrl="${_addr}" ;;
-               *)      _addrl="${_addrl},${_addr}" ;;
-               esac
                # Configure interface alias if requested by a given interface
                # and if we could correctly parse everything.
                case "${_iface}" in
                "")     continue ;;
                case "${_type}" in
-               inet)   ;;
-               inet6)  ;;
+               inet)   {       
+                       # Append address to list of addresses for the jail 
+                       case "${_addrl4}" in
+                       "")     _addrl4="${_addr}" ;;
+                       *)      _addrl4="${_addrl4},${_addr}" ;;
+                       esac
+                       };;
+               inet6)  {
+                       # Append address to list of addresses for the jail 
+                       case "${_addrl6}" in
+                       "")     _addrl6="${_addr}" ;;
+                       *)      _addrl6="${_addrl6},${_addr}" ;;
+                       esac
+                       };;
                *)      warn "Could not determine address family.  Not going" \
                            "to ${_action} address '${_addr}' for ${_jail}."
@@ -531,18 +541,18 @@
        # Handle addresses.
-       jail_handle_ips_option ${_action} "${_ip}"
+       jail_handle_ips_option ${_action} "${_ip4},${_ip6}"
        # Handle jail_xxx_ip_multi<N>
-       alias=0
-       while : ; do
-               eval _x=\"\$jail_${_jail}_ip_multi${alias}\"
-               case "${_x}" in
-               "")     break ;;
-               *)      jail_handle_ips_option ${_action} "${_x}"
-                       alias=$((${alias} + 1))
-                       ;;
-               esac
-       done
+#      alias=0
+#      while : ; do
+#              eval _x=\"\$jail_${_jail}_ip4_multi${alias}\"
+#              case "${_x}" in
+#              "")     break ;;
+#              *)      jail_handle_ips_option ${_action} "${_x}"
+#                      alias=$((${alias} + 1))
+#                      ;;
+#              esac
+#      done
@@ -566,7 +576,8 @@
                        echo -n " [${_hostname} already running 
(/var/run/jail_${_jail}.id exists)]"
-               _addrl=""
+               _addrl4=""
+               _addrl6=""
                jail_ips "add"
                if [ -n "${_fib}" ]; then
                        _setfib="setfib -F '${_fib}'"
@@ -625,6 +636,15 @@
+               _j_allow_parms=""
+               for relax in ${jail_restrictions}; do
+                       eval 
+                       [ -z "${_param_allow}" ] && _param_allow="NO"
+                       checkyesno _param_allow && \
_j_allow_parms="${_j_allow_parms}allow.${relax}=1 " 
+                       debug "$_jail _allow_${relax}: $_param_allow"
+               done
+               debug "$_jail selectiv relaxation: $_j_allow_parms"
@@ -634,9 +654,10 @@
                        i=$((i + 1))
-               eval ${_setfib} jail ${_flags} -i ${_rootdir} ${_hostname} \
-                       \"${_addrl}\" ${_exec_start} > ${_tmp_jail} 2>&1
+               eval ${_setfib} jail ${_flags} -i -c name=${_jail}\
+                       path=${_rootdir} host.hostname=${_hostname} \
+                       ip4.addr=${_addrl4} ip6.addr=${_addrl6} 
${_j_allow_parms} command=${_exec_start} > ${_tmp_jail} 2>&1
                if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
                        _jail_id=$(head -1 ${_tmp_jail})

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