
The following patch unbreaks libgssapi and upgrades it to be consistent
with the previous heimdal-1.1 merge:

Currently, libgssapi is out of date because it was not upgraded when the
rest of heimdal was upgraded to heimdal-1.1.  Also, 3 new libraries
(libgssapi_krb5, libgssapi_ntlm, libgssapi_spnego) were unnecessarily
introduced -- MIT Kerberos separates these libraries, but Heimdal does
not.  This broke some libgssapi-dependent applications (e.g.
www/mod_auth_kerb2, PR #147282).

SHLIB_MAJOR is bumped from 10 to 11, so libgssapi-dependent applications
must be rebuilt after applying this patch.

I renamed some of upstream's files due to filename collisions.  If
buildworld can create corresponding subdirectories in obj/ to match
src/, then the renames are not necessary.

Feedback is appreciated.


Benjamin Lee

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