On 18/06/2010 10:26, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 09:34:24AM +0200, Mark Stapper wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Since updating to 8.X I noticed that network services were started
>> before the network was up!
> This is common/normal.  I wrote a script (still working on getting it
> added to the base system) to deal with this issue.  Please see:
> http://jdc.parodius.com/freebsd/netwait
> Drop this into /usr/local/etc/rc.d, chmod it 755, and read the
> descriptions of the variables and add the appropriate settings to
> rc.conf.
> Please be aware netwait_if only takes a single interface; you're using
> lagg, so I hope that when your system boots whichever interface you pick
> in netwait_if the one which you default to using.
couldn't I use lagg0 on this parameter?
thx btw :-)

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