Larry Rosenman wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2008, David Duchscher wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Larry Rosenman wrote:
>>>> I don't have that IPMI card but I can say we have other cards of theirs 
>>>> working.  I would make sure the card is at the latest version of
>>>> firmware. 
>>>> The AOC-SIMSO(+) card was not detected correctly until we upgraded.  I 
>>>> don't know why the card is going away when freebsd boots since I assume 
>>>> you are on the dedicated LAN interface with its own IP address.
>>> Yes.  It's not going away, just doesn't see the key strokes.
>> Looking through your dmesg file, I don't see a USB keyboard being
>> attached. 
>> On my system, the virtual keyboard is a USB keyboard.
>> ukbd0: <Peppercon AG Multidevice, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2> on
>> uhub3
>> kbd2 at ukbd0
> Good catch.  When I set it to disable USB Mass Storage when no image 
> is loaded, the ukbd came alive, and I'm typing this on the IPMI Console.
> Thanks!
>> --
>> DaveD

I have a similar problem as you describe in this posting using a SuperMicro
X8SIL-F motherboard with onboard IPMI.  The console redirection works fine
during boot until the OS (pfSense - FreebSD 7.2 Release p5) boots and then I
can't enter anything from the keyboard.  Screen output is OK.  I notice
there is also no usb keyboard being detected during boot - instead a usb
mass storage device is added.  Thus I suspect I am seeing the same issue as
you did.

When you mentioned "When I set it to disable USB Mass Storage when no image 
is loaded, the ukbd came alive..."  how did you do that?


Paul Freeman
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