On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Mark Stapper <st...@mapper.nl> wrote:
> On 25/05/2010 20:05, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Mark Stapper <st...@mapper.nl> wrote:
>>> On 18/05/2010 08:14, Mark Stapper wrote:
>>>> On 18/05/2010 00:22, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Mark Stapper <st...@mapper.nl> wrote:
>>>>>> I have the same problem.
>>>>>> I'll try compiling the driver in the kernel.
>>>>>     FWIW I've compiled the driver into the kernel for several
>>>>> iterations now and it works like a champ, so there's something with
>>>>> the sound subsystem that isn't jiving properly when loading from
>>>>> modules...
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> -Garrett
>>>> Thanks for the info.
>>>> I've noticed that when I load the kernel module at startup (by adding it
>>>> to loader.conf) chances of it working improve.
>>>> If I load it afterwards, the nice huff puff sounds come out of my
>>>> speaker again.
>>>> Compiling the new and improved kernel today.
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> I compiled the emu10kx driver into the kernel.
>>> That seemed to work, but now the hissing and buzzing is back.
>>> I really don't know what is going on anymore..
>>> Any thoughts?
>> What modules have you compiled and loaded?
> Kernel config and kldstat output pasted below


Everything I saw there appeared sane (it would have been nice to grab
the -v output from kldstat, but that's ok...). Let's try doing the

1. Add `options EMU_MTX_DEBUG' to your kernconf.
2. Add set the sysctl: dev.emu10kx.0.debug=1 .

Let's see if anything changes...

Also, if you could provide some more hardware stats (say dmesg.boot
and/or devinfo -v) and version stats (I already know that you're
running amd64 from your kernel config) for the OS that would be
helpful as well.

I'm going to try upgrading my kernel and I'll try these steps as well.
The locking between this driver and some other sound drivers isn't
exactly the same (interestingly enough this driver uses Giant locking
for some bits, while the ich one doesn't), and there were some past
bugs with other branches of *BSD's drivers related to pci bus
commands, etc; the other BSDs have dramatically different soundsystems
-- I assume the old school soundsystem, s.t. the issues are probably
not the same.

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