Maybe this is a ridiculous question, but did you check whether your
CPU is used and accelerated in case you use powerd/cpufreq or another
power-saving feature? I ask you because I had this problem and I
recalled that the same thing gathered my attention in the beginning,
slow compilations. Basically, my CPU was nost scaling upwards for
technical reasons that I can't understand. Here's my thread:


On Mon, 3 May 2010 13:30:17 -0500
Bryce Edwards <> wrote:

> I have tried both drives independently (two system drives currently
> in ZFS mirror), but the interrupts was something that caught my
> attention as well.  I haven't yet tried polling yet on the em
> interface, but I still have interrupts like what you are seeing (minus
> the em ones) when I'm just compiling and not really using the network,
> so I was going to wait before going down that path.
> Bryce

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