this card is radeon hd3450

vgap...@pci0:1:0:0:     class=0x030000 card=0xe400174b chip=0x95c51002
rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'ATI Technologies Inc. / Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.'
    device     = 'HD 3400 Series (Radeon)'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA
hd...@pci0:1:0:1:       class=0x040300 card=0xaa28174b chip=0xaa281002
rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'ATI Technologies Inc. / Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.'
    device     = 'Radeon HD 3400 Series (3400)'
    class      = multimedia
    subclass   = HDA

On 2/10/10, Robert Noland <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 01:36 +0100, O. Hartmann wrote:
>> On 02/10/10 00:24, Oliver Pinter wrote:
>> > Hi all!
>> >
>> > After updated the xorg* and dri* and dependency, the system going to
>> > deadlock at second start of xserver. I think it is not an uniqe issue,
>> > as others wrote them at freebsd-x11:
>> >
>> >
>> > The symptoms:
>> > * independent from enabled or disabled DRI or GLX, first I think, this
>> > is the error, but not
>> > * the system going to deadlock state
>> > * no coredumps of xorgs
>> > * no panic, but the system is unusuable
>> > * independent from the driver: probed the radeon and radeonhd driver
>> > * independent from the WITHOUT_NOUVEAU or WITH_NOUVEAU compile options
>> > (make.conf)
>> > * the system is: FreeBSD 7.3-PRERELEASE FreeBSD
>> > 7.3-PRERELEASE #29 r203612+fa83fdf: Mon Feb  8 02:11:08 CET 2010
>> >  amd64
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > mailing list,
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>> > ""
>> I had a similar freezing on several FreeBSD 8.0 boxes with either
>> 'radeon' or 'radeonhd/radeonhd-devel' with recent ports. With more
>> expensive graphics cards, like HD4830, HD4850 we never had the issue,
>> but with smaller cards, like HD4670. HD4670 never worked. HD4770 cards
>> work with explicit set
>> option "DRI" "OFF"
>> As far as I know,  WITHOUT_NOUVEAU does have no effect on the current
>> ports, since it is reported in ports/UPDATING, it prevents building
>> nouveau driver which is broken when using newer libdrm/dri and libGLUT,
>> but those new ports do not seem to be merged into the tree.
>> The situation is heavily unsatisfying, since one need an expensive
>> AMD/ATi Radeon card to gain non-3D poor functionality, where a cheaper
>> one should be do the same - but the cheaper ones don't work. Even if one
>> uses AMD64, the situattion is worse and I have no reason using
>> Linux-driver on a FreeBSD box. Hope the situation gets cleared in the
>> nearest future. It's a kind of deadlock. As I said, either spenig a lot
>> of money for a working RV770 based AMD graphics card with poor
>> functionality or nothing so far, since most smaller RV730 chips aren't
>> supported properly by the most recent drivers.
> I'm only aware of one issue which leads to corruption.  I have patches
> that resolve that issue which are not yet committed.  If your are
> experiencing lockups with DRI disabled, then something very strange is
> going on and you will need to provide more details.  I don't remember
> exactly what drm code I have committed to 7 right now, but it should be
> fairly current as I don't think I have much in the way of outstanding
> MFCs.  The current drm and radeon drivers work on every card that I
> have, which in the r600 class are HD 3650,3850,4650.
> robert.
>> Regards,
>> Oliver
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> --
> Robert Noland <>
> FreeBSD
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