S.N.Grigoriev wrote:

13.01.10, 14:29, "Miroslav Lachman" <000.f...@quip.cz>:

S.N.Grigoriev wrote:
[...] > I thank you for your response. All you wrote is quite right.
 > But it is a general rule not to use in the system two sets
 > of slightly different programs with duplicating names. It is
 > a direct way to have problems.
 > For example, all third party scripts should be revised to check
 > absolute pathes, program search results becomes depending
 > of the PATH value, and so on.
 > It is relatively easy to do such revisions on a small home system.
 > But a production server with significant amount of third party software
 > will require a lot of time to do that job.
 > To my mind it will be better to have an options in the port Makefile
 > allowing to replace the sendmail files in place.
I fully understand your doubts, but if you are talking about PATH and the stuff, sendmail from PATH (/usr/sbin/sendmail) is not a real sendmail, it is symlink to wrapper using settings from /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
 No application can be confused.
Miroslav Lachman


absolute paths may be used not ony to start sendmail program but,
for example, to automatically build .mc files from .m4 files in /usr/share/sendmail/cf directory. For port sendmail it becomes

Unless you set a couple of variables in /etc/make.conf as I described.


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