I see an annoying behaviour with NFS over TCP. It happens both with nfs
and newnfs. This is with FreeBSD/amd64 8.0-RC1 as client. The server is
some Linux or perhaps Solaris, I'm not entirely sure.

After trying to find something in packet traces, I think I have found

The scenario seems to be as follows. Sorry for the width of the lines.

No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
   2296 2992.216855 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Call (Reply In 2297), DH:0x3819da36/w
   2297 2992.217107 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Reply (Call In 2296) Error:NFS3ERR_NOENT
   2298 2992.217141 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Call (Reply In 2299), DH:0x170cb16a/bin
   2299 2992.217334 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Reply (Call In 2298), FH:0x61b8eb12
   2300 2992.217361 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
ACCESS Call (Reply In 2301), FH:0x61b8eb12
   2301 2992.217582 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
ACCESS Reply (Call In 2300)
   2302 2992.217605 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Call (Reply In 2303), DH:0x61b8eb12/w
   2303 2992.217860 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
LOOKUP Reply (Call In 2302) Error:NFS3ERR_NOENT
   2304 2992.318770 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      934 > 
nfs [ACK] Seq=238293 Ack=230289 Win=8192 Len=0 TSV=86492342 TSER=12393434
   2306 3011.537520 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
GETATTR Reply (Call In 2305)  Directory mode:2755 uid:4100 gid:4100
   2307 3011.637744 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      934 > 
nfs [ACK] Seq=238429 Ack=230405 Win=8192 Len=0 TSV=86511662 TSER=12395366
   2308 3371.534980 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
934 [FIN, ACK] Seq=230405 Ack=238429 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=12431366 TSER=86511662

        The server decides, for whatever reason, to terminate the
        connection and sends a FIN.

   2309 3371.535018 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      934 > 
nfs [ACK] Seq=238429 Ack=230406 Win=8192 Len=0 TSV=86871578 TSER=12431366

        Client acknowledges this,

   2310 3375.379693 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
ACCESS Call, FH:0x008002a2

        but tries to sneak in another call anyway.      [A]

   2311 3375.474788 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
934 [ACK] Seq=230406 Ack=238569 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=12431760 TSER=86875423

        Server ACKs but doesn't send anything else... [B]

        Time passes...

   2312 3675.366081 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      934 > 
nfs [FIN, ACK] Seq=238569 Ack=230406 Win=8192 Len=0 TSV=87175425 TSER=12431760

        Client finally decides after 300 secs to close the connection

   2313 3675.366149 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      904 > 
nfs [SYN] Seq=0 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=5 TSV=87175425 TSER=0

        and to re-open a new one.

   2314 3675.366318 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
934 [ACK] Seq=230406 Ack=238570 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=12461749 TSER=87175425
   2315 3675.366446 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
904 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=12461749 TSER=87175425 MSS=1460 
   2316 3675.366483 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        TCP      904 > 
nfs [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=66592 Len=0 TSV=87175425 TSER=12461749
   2317 3675.366506 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
ACCESS Call (Reply In 2319), FH:0x008002a2
   2318 3675.366660 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
904 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=141 Win=49092 Len=0 TSV=12461749 TSER=87175425
   2319 3675.367356 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
ACCESS Reply (Call In 2317)
   2320 3675.367425 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
GETATTR Call (Reply In 2322), FH:0x170cb16a
   2321 3675.367644 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         TCP      nfs > 
904 [ACK] Seq=125 Ack=277 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=12461749 TSER=87175426
   2322 3675.367730 xxx.xxx.16.142        xxx.xxx.31.43         NFS      V3 
GETATTR Reply (Call In 2320)  Directory mode:2755 uid:4100 gid:4100
   2323 3675.367759 xxx.xxx.31.43         xxx.xxx.16.142        NFS      V3 
ACCESS Call (Reply In 2325), FH:0x170cb16a

Point [A] seems somwehat worrisome to me:

Though technically the connection is closed in one direction
only, the intention of the server seems clear, and it would be better to
be careful and make a new connection right away.

[B] would be a bug of the server in my opinion. If it ACKs a call, it
should send a reply. And if it can't, it shouldn't.

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