Richard Mahlerwein wrote:
--- On Sat, 8/29/09, Marat N.Afanasyev <> wrote:

From: Marat N.Afanasyev <>
Subject: Re: Fatal Trap 12 in various processes always at address 0x3030313a
Cc: "FreeBSD-Stable" <>
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 6:59 PM
such trap could be triggered by 'floating' memory/cache
error. and i think that you should try to suspect memory
first. memtest helps to diagnose most of memory problems,
but not all.

-- SY, Marat

How can I test that?  If a buildworld will complete successfully several times 
(with mildly different source, even), and memtest86+ won't find it, how can I 
tell if that's the problem or not?

I ususally do md5 of large tmpfs based file. make tmpfs as large as possible, create a big file in the tmpfs and calculate md5 of this file many times.

SY, Marat

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