Cezary Morga wrote:
> Doug Barton pisze:
>> I can't speak for portupgrade but the vast majority of time with
>> portmaster is actually spent building the port. The updating of
>> /var/db/pkg is trivial in comparison. What portmaster does that
>> bsd.port.mk by itself does not is allow you to update dependencies in
>> place instead of having to uninstall the things that depend on them
>> first, then reinstall them after the update.
> Actually, 'make deinstall' deinstalls given port without removing ports
> that depends on it.

So does 'pkg_delete -f', that's not the issue. If you delete the port
by either of those methods then reinstall it the "regular" way you
will lose dependency tracking information. (I should have been more
clear in the post you quoted.)



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