Hi FreeBSD community We are Tomahawk Desktop, trying to make a working desktop OS based on FreeBSD! We use FreeBSD 7.2 on i386.
We earlier discussed two crucial issues regarding a desktop OS:
http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2009-July/009350.html But it seems above discussions ended without any action. Now we have another issue, we used amd(8) to automatically mount file systems (USB and CD especially), the amd mounts without an issue but doesn't unmount on time. Unmount time is variable and takes more than a minute sometimes. I presume there is no other alternative on FreeBSD to mount file systems other than amd(8). We want to unmount of an inactivity period of 1 second, we have tried unmount and utimeout options. It may be this issue: http://www.am-utils.org/docs/am-utils/attrcache.txt But that is the status in 2005. What is the situation by now and what is the solution by FreeBSD? Btw, the Tomahawk Desktop v1.0 we released in 2005 based on Linux, we did not encounter such crippling issues.
Kind regards
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