Dan Naumov wrote:
2009/7/5 Marat N.Afanasyev <ama...@ksu.ru>:

i have a strange problem with writing data to my ufs2+su filesystem.

1. i made a 1T gpt partition on my storage server, and formatted it:
newfs -U -m 0 -o time -i 32768 /dev/da1p3a

2. i tried to move data from other servers to this filesystem, total size of
files is slightly less than 1T

3. i encountered a 'No space left on device' while i still have 11G of free
space and about 13 million free inodes on the filesystem:

#df -ih
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  iused    ifree %iused Mounted
/dev/da1p3a    1.0T    1.0T     11G    99% 20397465 13363173   60%

all i want to know is whether this is a bug or a feature? and if such a
behavior is well-known, where can i read about it?

By default, a part of a filesystem is reserved, the amount reserved
has historically varied between 5-8%. This is adjustable. See the "-m"
switch to tunefs.

- Sincerely,
Dan Naumov

as you can see from newfs commandline (1.) I already diminished this root reserve to zero percent.

and i'm sorry i forgot to mention that i'm trying to move my data using root account, of course.

SY, Marat

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