On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Dan Naumov <dan.nau...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list.
> I have a single 2tb disk used on a 7.2-release/amd64 system with a
> small part of it given to UFS and most of the disk given to a single
> "simple" zfs pool with several filesystems without redundancy. I've
> noticed a really weird thing regarding what "df" reports regarding the
> "total space" of one of my filesystems:
> atom# df -h
> Filesystem         Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad12s1a        15G    1.0G     13G     7%    /
> devfs              1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
> linprocfs          4.0K    4.0K      0B   100%    /usr/compat/linux/proc
> tank/DATA          1.8T    292G    1.5T    16%    /DATA
> tank/home          1.5T      0B    1.5T     0%    /home
> tank/home/jago     1.5T    128K    1.5T     0%    /home/jago
> tank/home/karni    1.5T      0B    1.5T     0%    /home/karni
> tank/usr/local     1.5T    455M    1.5T     0%    /usr/local
> tank/usr/obj       1.5T      0B    1.5T     0%    /usr/obj
> tank/usr/ports     1.5T    412M    1.5T     0%    /usr/ports
> tank/usr/src       1.5T    495M    1.5T     0%    /usr/src
> tank/var/log       1.5T    256K    1.5T     0%    /var/log
> Considering that every single filesystem is part of the exact same
> pool, with no custom options whatsoever used during filesystem
> creation (except for mountpoints), why is the size of tank/DATA 1.8T
> while the others are 1.5T?

Did you set a reservation for any of the other filesystems?  Reserved space
is not listed in the "general" pool.

Freddie Cash
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