On 6/20/09, Michael Gass <mg...@unix.csbsju.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:24:29PM -0500, Michael Gass wrote:
>> I'm running 7.2-stable and I replaced an old ISA NIC with
>> a D-Link DFE-530TX+  card.  According to the manual, the
>> correct driver for this card is rl driver.  The kernel
>> insists on using the vr driver which is for the DFE-530TX.
>> >From what I can tell, the two cards have different chipsets
>> and so the drivers are not compatable.
> I got the vr driver to work: it was an IRQ issue.  Seems
> sio1 wanted irq 3 which is what vr0 was taking.  Somehow that
> caused a problem.
> I am still confused about the rl driver not working for this
> card.  The NOTES in /usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES explicitly state
> that the rl driver is for the DFE-530TX+ and that the vr
> driver is for the DFE-530TX.  I have the former and so should
> be using the rl drive it seems.  Is this a mistake in the
> documentation (including the man page for each driver)?
> I made a new kernel without the vr driver and the result was
> that no driver at all was recognized for the NIC.
> Is there a way to force the kernel to put an entry in /dev
> for rl0 so that I could try to configue it for the NIC?
Yes, modify source code and recompile and reinstall/kldload

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