> My story is very similar to Pete's.
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2009-January/047487.html

My problem, which you link to there, tturrned out to be due to ICMP
redirects, and is most definitely fixed in 7.2. So, your problem is
not the same as mine, but some of the tips given there may help you
ddebug it.

> I followed some instructions in the list thread. But unfortunately, the
> big problem still remains. 7.2-STABLE server locks up frequently.

Are you using the latest STABLE ? I am rolling out the one from a few
days ago with the bce fixes, and that works fine.

> The kernel configuration is:

When the box locks up, can you actyually break to the debugger ? This is how
we eventually tracked down my problem.

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