Paul Stewart wrote:

> I guess I'm kinda wondering the "condensed quick version" of what people are
> typically doing to keep their system updated from source without making life
> difficult ;)  Yes, I've been reading through various things to get myself
> updated to newer info but there's also a lot of stuff on the Internet based
> on older info hence why I'm asking.

Not to take away from any of the other great responses, I just want to
throw out there that I use fastest_cvsup to find the csup server with
the lowest latency:

# pkg_add -r fastest_cvsup

... and then run it like this:

# fastest_cvsup -c ca,us

Given that I know where you are, you will likely always be best off with, and put that into your supfile against default host.

I then run "csup -L 2 -g /etc/supfile" in cron for once a week. I'll
then update the actual system for advisories, new features if they apply
to me, or generally any time I turn up a new system or VM to keep them
all consistent.


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