Hello Miroslav, and thank you for your reply...

Quoting Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz>:

Chris H wrote:
Hello, and thank you for your reply...

Quoting Holger Kipp <h...@alogis.com>:


Can you check if you have any fdisk metadata on either of your disks?
Especially as da0, da1, da2 are attached to st0 without problems,
but then GEOM_STRIPE complains about da2c (which looks like a partition

I cheated, and went into sysinstall > custom > partition

chose each of da0, da1, and da2

pressed "f" then "no" then "yes". Which forced a "dangerously" dedicated
disk. I also chose "w" on all occasions, and each time the response indicated
Successfully written to disk. I then bailed out of sysinstall, then went
back, and deleted the partitions, and again, chose "w". Which also indicated
"Successfully written to disk". I then bailed out of sysinstall.
Having felt the disks were all now clean, I proceeded with the command:

gstripe label -v st0 /dev/da0 /dev/da1 /dev/da2

...well, you know the rest of the story. :)

Is this not a good (the best) direction to take?

I recommend you to use
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 count=1000
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 count=1000
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da2 count=1000

This is good advice, I decided that if I chose this method, that I should
/really/ just change count=<actual block count reported by drive>. But
decided if I go this route, I might as well bounce the box and simply
use the SCSI's BIOS routine to re-format all 3 drives. So that's what I did,
and guess what - yep, you guessed it; every thing worked (gstripe(8))
as it should have. So good news, nothing wrong within GEOM, and family. :)

Thank you again for taking the time to respond Miroslav.


to clear the begining of the disks. The next step should be to clear the few last sectors, where metadata of GEOM mirror, journal, stripe etc. are stored, so you end up with "clear disks" which you can use in whatever setup you want without problem with old data, partitions etc.

Miroslav Lachman

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