At 04:53 PM 5/1/2009, Pete French wrote:

The tuning isn't there to improve performance, it's there to prevent
the box going titus due to a panic when the ARC gets too big, and
you are missing the mian one, which is to limit the size of the ARC.
On recent versions of BSD (and you are running 7.2, so thats fine) then
the defaults for kmem size are fine, but you still need something like this:


In there to stop the ARC growing. thats the only tuning I have on
my 4 gig machine, which takes a steady stream of data and is used
for taking backup snapshots. ZFS is excellent, and for me is perfectly
stable, to the point where I am starting to roll it out to production
machines, with the above tuning.

Thanks for the feedback. We too have had good results with zfs for what we have used it for. Our primary backup server has a traditional raid5 spool as well as a zfs spool and it has been working quite well in the last 6months. In that period we did swap out a dead drive, a dying drive and added a new drive to expand the pool. We are just expanding our DR site's backup server and will make use of ZFS there. Stability / reliability is our main goal for this app so I will take a look at the arc_max setting

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