> On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 18:59 +0600, i...@dom.raid.ru wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> The 6.2 and 6.4 releases work well but I've got some problems when
>> booting 7.1/i386 release on my server (Duron1200/ASUS A7N233-VM).
>> When booting from installation CD the computer suddenly restarts
>> after about 2sec so I even can't see any output (seems it's regs
>> dump). MD5 hash of CD is OK, replacing CD-ROM drive didn't give
>> any
>> effect. However after a lot of experimentation I managed to
>> install
>> 7.1 via PXE. But on the first boot just installed 7.1 the same
>> problem has appeared again. I think there is a bug in boot2 or in
>> some code executes before the loader because it boots successfully
>> via PXE (by pxeboot) and by loader at FreeBSD 6.4 installed on an
>> other hard drive.
>> P.S. BIOS was updated to latest stable version.
> Can you try booting 7.2-RC2 and see if you see the same issue?  It's
> likely that this has been fixed already.
Thanks, 7.2-RC2 was successfully booted and installed from CD
instead of 7.1. Seems everything works.
BTW, 7.0 doesn't have such problem, but won't boot due to READ_BIG
> Gavin
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