2009/4/28 Андрей Юртайкин <fxp at corp.iskratelecom.ru>:
> hi,
> On my FreeBSD 7.0 system (one scsi disk + PCI SATA 4TB RAID, twa) scsi disk
> with system failed, so i get new one install FreeBSD 7.0 on it (using
> another box) and than plug it in. But can`t get RAID to work.

>Check man bsdlabel up.
> Due to the use of an u_int32_t to store the number of sectors, BSD >labels > are restricted to a maximum of 2^32-1 sectors. This usually means >2TB of > disk space. Larger disks should be partitioned using another >method such
>     as gpt(8).

Yes i know about it, but it recognizes as:
ls -la /dev/da0*
crw-r-----  1 root  operator    0,  77 Apr 28 17:23 /dev/da0
crw-r-----  1 root  operator    0,  80 Apr 28 17:23 /dev/da0s1
crw-r-----  1 root  operator    0,  93 Apr 28 17:23 /dev/da0s1c


#gpt show da0
       start        size  index  contents
           0           1         MBR
           1          62
          63     3571210      1  MBR part 165
     3571273  8589937079

but there was a 4TB slice with important data, i didn`t touch RAID - so it`s should be there...

i didn`t remeber was it gpt or not :(

And yes hdd failed during reboot so RAID filesystem should be clean.

          С уважением,
          Юртайкин Андрей Абилькасымович
          системный администратор,
          тел.: +7 495 287 45 45, доб. 070
          f...@corp.iskratelecom.ru, http://www.iskratelecom.ru
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